Sri Lanka Style

Monday, January 30, 2012



Isurumuniya Rock Temple
The Meghagiri Vihara is now commonly known as Isurumuniya Vihara was built in the 3rd century BC as part of a reclusive complex. This temple is best known for its rock carvings, situated near the Tisawewa (Tisa tank).
The most general being “the lovers” prince Saliya (The son of the King Dutugamunu) and his mistress Asokamala. Another acceptance was couple signify the god Siva and goddess Parvathi of Hindu belief. The style of the sculpture is similar to the Gupta Art of India.

Samadhi Statue
The Samadhi Statue located at the Mahamevuna Park in Anuradhapura is honored to be a work of genius of sculptural art and dates back to around the 4th century BC. The statue is 8 feet high and it’s made of granite. The statue shows the Lord Buddha in a profound state of meditation.

Eth Pokuna or the Elephant Pond
Near the Lankarama stupa is the largest pond found in Anuradhapura. This is revealed to be the bathing pond for the Abayagiri Monastery monks.
The name of this Elephant Pond meant for a cause of the size of the pond as the creation via for general public use.

The Moonstone/Sandakada Pahana

This is a semicircular shape of stone which stood at the foot of a flight of steps in most Buddhist temples. In most of the moonstones of Anuradhapura aeon, the border is designed with a ring of fires and below that is a ring filled with 4 types of animals – Elephant, Lion, Horse, and Bull chasing each other. The next semi-circle is line of a creeper with a wavy stem with greenery (“liyawela”). Next is a line of design swans with a twig of flower and a leaf on their mouth. Again it’s a floral pattern. At the Centre on the moonstone is lotus with petals.

Kuttam Pokuna/Twin Ponds
Twin Ponds belief to be built by the Sinhalese, date back to around 8 - 10th centuries. These are considered one of the major triumphs in the field of hydrological engineering and outstanding architectural and artistic constructions of Sinhalese.
A garden was landscaped which splits the two ponds in length of 18 .5feet and the larger pool of the two is 132feet x 51 feet, where the smaller pool is 91feet x51 feet.

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